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Some of the videos include modern elements, like Lil Nas X. There’s typically a Plantation Pepe, or a similar character, who tells the story of a buck breaking, and then a Southern-voiced old timer serves up the tale like it’s a bigoted bedtime story for a racist kid. You can find the meme in multiple racist videos on YouTube, like this one. The same one that now serves as raw material for racist punchlines online. Black men are emasculated by getting used as a fleshlight for white men.” But this phrase references a much larger and uglier historic reality. In the Urban Dictionary, “buck breaking” is defined as “essentially black men being dominated by white men sexually. Alt-right trolls on 4chan & Reddit use that phrase often /66q8D6X0om- Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 May 15, 2022

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The gun has the words “Buck Status: Broken”, which is a reference to my film Buck Breaking. Here is the gun used by white supremacist #PaytonGendron when he carried out his anti-Black terrorism attack in Buffalo.

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